Certified Coach Training (in English)

ICF-Accredited Coach Training acsth

ACT - PACE - DIRECTIONThis 66 hours coaching training offers intensive learning, practices and feedback in the International Coach Federations Core Competencies. Understanding and adhering to these 8 competencies ensures your coaching meets the ethical, professional and practical requirements as set by the industry leading organisation.

During Profectus training, students learn through real-life cases and exercises, personal and team reflection, self-study, pier-coaching and lectures. Using this variety of training methods ensures all students can fully engage with the content, and learn in a style which meets their personal needs.

Our coaching education is based on the philosophy and framework of the ICF’s 8 Core Coaching Competencies where the Coach Competencies serve as “The Doing part” and the ICF-Ethics as “The Being part” of Coaching. Our teaching approach is based on our belief that The Coach is a catalyst, and all students can become excellent in developing their Coaching Skills.

At Profectus, we help our students to discover and develop the skills they need to align to The Core of our Coaching Training: Acquiring the ability to empower individuals and organisations attaining awareness and clarity - enhancing their effectiveness and sustainable success by unleashing the power within.

Learning takes place in an interactive environment which encourages students to practice the skills. We use experiential training methods including role-play, self-assessment, workshops and group exercises to enhance the learning process. Instructors coaches and gives verbal and written feedback to all students during exercises and practices.
Each student will have at least five formal practices and verbal feedback throughout the learning. At least 3 written feedback will be provided to each student. Some practices can also be recorded (with students’ permission) so that instructor can precisely review and provide written feedback to support participants’ continuous learning and growth.

Upcoming Training in March 2022:

Place: Pretoria - Johannesbourg:

Dates: The next training is from the 22nd to the 25th of March 2022

Time: 8:30-17:00

Info & registration

Mixed Training: On-site, Online and self study

Self study:

  • Before the training, students will prepare within "The Think Tank", our online learning and support centre.
    That preparation is estemated to take the student between 6-8 hours to complete.

On site trainingTraining days in Pretoria:

  • 4 whole days (22-25 of February) from 8:30-17:00. After the on-site training days, students will start their induvidual practice coaching (minimum 12 hours) and also together in "support-triads" with fellow students throughout the training.

Online sessions (dates yet to be confirmed)

  • 3 x 1,5 hours Q&A sessions
  • Final day - (also Online) from 9:00-16:00

Note: Since all training courses have been sold out since 2017 hence it is better to register sooner than later.

A Self-Development Journey

Profectus Coach Training is a unique and impactful experience for those who participate in it.Coaching students coach and receive extensive coaching sessions from teachers and fellow students and undergo the same introspection and personal evaluation process they will be leading others through as a working coach. Therefore, in Profectus coach training we t put a strong emphasis on encouraging our students to test, challenge and 'try on' all the tools and techniques for themselves, so they may fully appreciate them, and be able to apply them with skill and understanding. As the students work to qualify as coaches, this means they are able to demonstrate high standards and build credibility as they have trained and embossed the values and experiences of coaching into their own lives, and their own practice..

At Profectus, we aspire to always develop new creative ways to transfer knowledge and added value to our students. The compete syllabus of the course (books, tools and other training material) was written, designed and developed in-house over the last six years. Our goal is to become amongst the Top five International Coaching Training Providers through R&D, publishing and development of creative coaching tools.

Rooted in Experience and Knowledge 

During the last seven years, Profectus has trained and graduated hundreds of coaches in Iceland, South Africa and in Ireland. Executives from numerous companies around the world have also participated in the Profectus leadership course, “The Leader as a coach”, which is largely based on the book “The Whole-Brain Leader”, published by Profectus in 2015, along with the workbook “Coaching – Bringing Out the Best” by the head-coach at Profectus, Ingvar Jónsson.

Over the years, Ingvar Jónsson has written several coaching related books, which have become bestsellers.. “Conquer yourself!” was first published in Icelandic in 2018 by Mál og Menning, which has since been translated into English (“Discover Your Inner Viking”. His recent fourth book, written with the ideology of coaching in mind, "Who are you and what do you want?" was published in January 2020 and will be translated to english in 2023.

Why attend Coach Training with Profectus?

International Certification

Coach training at Profectus is Internationally Certified by ICF as a Qualifying basic-training for ACC-certification.
It is a common misconception that there is a great difference between the various ICF-accredited training offered. The fact is each Training Centre is preparing its students for the same ICF-certification.

In basic training, the main emphasis is on students acquiring tenable understanding of all of the 8 Core Competencies - the foundation to become a ICF Certified Coach. After the certification, the coach progresses in the direction of specific coaching areas, in which he wants to specialise. This is comparable to a driving test. In the beginning, everybody learns what he needs to be able to drive a car, regardless of how he will utilize that knowledge. 

There is no requirement that students become certified but those who do can rely on our support all the way.

International network of students

Profectus has offered coach training abroad for years, such as South Africa and Ireland, to name a few. Many of our students connect to other students, both locally and internationally, where they coach each other.

Note: The ICF ACC-certification is NOT included in the price. 

Trainer with a wide knowledge base and 3.000 hours of experience

The trainers in Profectus are a collection of the most experienced Coaches in Iceland. They are all Certified Professional Certified Coaches from ICF sharing an average of more than 2000 hours coaching experience. The Trainer in this training has more than 3.000 hours under his belt and his curriculum vitae contains five published books on coaching.


Profectus reaches out to their students 3-4 times a year to enhance or refresh their knowledge. They also support students which are on their way to ICF-certification collecting their “Coaching-hours” by “sitting-in” assisting our teachers, coaching and mentoring students.

Syllabus and Materials

All the Coaching materials included in the training approach coaching from different perspectives and points of views, and students are provided with a number of unique materials: 
• A folder containing workbook and assignments
• “Geggin mín” – a special notebook for goals, dreams and personal victories
• Value-cards (developed/designed @Profectus) is a tool used when defining, realizing and working with Values (Inner Compass).
• Emotions-cards (developed/designed @Profectus) to teach Emotional literacy, clarity and increase Emotional intelligence.
• Strength-cards (developed/designed @Profectus) to conduct “Strength-based Coaching” and increase level of e.g. motivation, self-acknowledgement and awareness.
• Book “The Whole Brain Leader”. Teaches how to become a Coaching Leader. (Author: Ingvar Jónsson “Head Coach @ Profectus” and Sjoerd de Waal.)

State of the art Learning Platform

All students are provided with unique Profectus training materials, and given access to a custom-built learning platform "The Think Tank" for an entire year following their graduation.

Within this system, they have access to their syllabus, assignments and core learning materials, as well as additional support material such as instructional videos, technical information and industry articles. Through this learning platform, they can also establish and maintain contact with current and previous students, both locally and Internationally.

Small overheads, Big on efficiency

10 yearsSince it was founded, in 2012, Profectus has specialised in coaching and training services. Profectus is a small, but robust company. As such, we focus on professionalism, trustworthiness, commitment and our ability to reach our long-term goals. We are extremely proud to offer our coach training considerably lower than others on the market. All training passes meets quality standards and industry requirements, successfully preparing and supporting our students on their personal journey towards their ICF-certification.

Over the years, our offerings have grown to include leadership training and advanced education in many of the biggest companies in the country. This is knowledge and experience we share with each of our students.

Learning Outcomes:

After the training, students:

  • are able to explain distinctions of “coaching” and other supporting professions
  • are able to identify all ICF Coach Core Competencies
  • are able to understand and explain all ICF Coach Core Competencies
  • are able to demonstrate these 8 Coach Core Competencies through coaching practices
  • are able to participate in giving and receiving feedback after coaching practices
  • are able tounderstand what coaching is and what it is not
  • have been informed about International Coach Federation (ICF), its purpose and importance
  • have been introduced to the Core Competencies of coaching
  • learn about the responsibility of being a coach and how it relates to different roles, such as consultant, mentor and teacher
  • have been introduced to different coaching models, where they come from and what purpose they serve
  • have experienced different types of coaching, e.g life coaching, executive coaching, health coaching to name a few
  • have learned the difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical conversations
  • have practiced coaching under real circumstances
  • have witnessed a coaching session by a PCC coach
  • have discovered the impact of Emotional Intelligence
  • have gain an understanding of how procrastination can easily “Eat dreams for breakfast”
  • know of the three stages of adult development – Dependent – Independent – Sustainable
  • have a good understanding of all the eight Core Competences of Coaching with the coaching conversation process
  • have an understanding of why the Coach is joined by unbreakable bonds to their Ethics and Professionalism
  • have learned to appreciate the threefold nature of The Agreement with the client
  • have learned a few ways to build trust with the coaching client
  • have realised the importance of trusting the process, the theory and one’s own experience and insight
  • have coached by allowing themselves to trust their insight
  • have given feedback on a coaching conversation using the 8 ICF Core Competences of coaching
  • have realised the contrast between Coaching Presence and attentiveness and being distant
  • have learned about the components of the “Trust Formula”, the key elements of trust and what can interfere with building trust
  • have an understanding the importance of physical and mental preparation for a coaching session
    have earned a solid understanding on the importance of keeping the focus of benefits and solutions in the future rather than hindrances, limitations and the past
  • have experienced how fear, doubt, suspicion and resistance blindfolds the client’s vision of the future
  • have an understanding of the Three Levels of listening, “to listen, to hear and to sense”
  • have learned to listen using multiple senses
  • have realized the value of showing active listening by using positive feedback
  • have gained knowledge of the seven keys of active listening
  • have added value to their coaching by improving your listening skills
  • have learned various ways of using Powerful Questions
  • have realised the impact of Powerful Questions
  • have received a PDF file with 549 coaching questions
  • have practiced asking the “right” question at the “right” time
  • have nurtured Self-confidence with Self-esteem
  • have an understanding of the importance of keeping the small promises to oneself
  • have seen the importance of transferring intention from awareness and materialize it through goal setting
  • are able to prepare and adjust plans and actions during the whole process
  • have learned various ways of goal setting, depending on the size and nature of the desired outcome and goal
  • have realised the importance of coordinating the goals to the client’s eagerness and level of motivation
  • have learned to manage the progress and accountability by leaving the responsibility with the client to take action
  • have gained an understanding of the four dimensions of 360° Thinking, The Rational, The Organized, The Emotional and The Creative
  • seen and realized how different personalities see the world from different perspectives
  • gain respect - without limits - the fact that “everyone can be right”
  • observed and searched for clues indicating the clients thinking preference
  • expanded the “Communication Arena” by diminishing their hidden and the blind areas
  • have an understanding of the concept of Personal Values and how they influence our attitude and behaviour
  • have discovered their most important values and revealed their meaning
  • have learned to use Value Cards in a coaching session
  • have given and received an ambulatory coaching session (a coaching session while walking around in nature)
  • have experienced the value of Direct Communication- to talk about things like they are
  • have experienced the importance of pointing out "The Elephant" in the room when needed
  • have learned the basis of FLOW – where the coach’s challenges and skill dance with each other
  • have appied various ways to Create Awareness
  • have an understanding of “time travel” – how a coaching client can find encouragement, courage and clarity by stepping into the future
  • have developed a sharper understanding on your own Strengths and Limitations
  • have learned how and why the biggest opportunities are usually created when we actively focus on our strengths to grow and improve
  • have recognised some of the most common thinking errors/cognitive distortions in a conversation, such as over-generalization, exaggeration, all-or-everything thinking, emotional reasoning or catastrophizing
  • have realised the negative impact on a coaching session if you ignore any of the 8 Core Competencies
  • have experienced coaching several people at once – Group Coaching
  • have applied "Whiteboard Coachin"g, and how to utilize a whiteboard to augment the visual effects of coaching
  • have witness a PCC-coach at work using “Big-picture/visual/Whiteboard Coaching”
  • have practiced "Big-picture/visual/Whiteboard Coaching”
  • have developed ideas around how they are able to reap the benefits from the Coaching Training
  • have learned how emotions influence our behaviour and decisions
  • have learned to recognize their own emotions and how to influence them
  • have tried various ways to work with emotions using Profectus Emotion Cards in a coaching session
  • have a clear view on the ICF-Certification path and the requirements for ACC-certification
  • have been introduced to ICF and the advantage of becoming a part of the National and International community of coaches
  • have demonstrated their abilities in all the core competencies of ICF
  • have graduated from the Certified Coach Training at Profectus with the ability to Bring Out The Best in yourself and others.


 Info & registration

Program Requirements

Requirements students must meet to enter the program:
• At least 5 years of prior work experience.
• Passion in helping others grow and unleash people’s potentials

To complete the program, all participants are required to:

• Attend 85% of the total face-to-face time in the class.
• Have at least five formal coaching practices & feedback sessions observed and assessed by the ICF accredited instructor (ACC, PCC or MCC).
• Have at least three written feedback after the practice sessions assessed by the ICF accredited instructor (ACC, PCC or MCC).
• Complete the 12 hours’ self-study for the provided materials.
• Practiced their coaching-skills min. 12 hours outside the coaching-training.
• (The student is responsible for finding their own coachee´ s for this part of the training.)

Of the 60 training hours, 48 hours are are synchronous (real-time) interactions (40 hours On-Site, 8 hours Online) with 12 additional hours asynchronous learning (total of 60 hours). In addition, students are given additional homework to deepen and integrate their learning. These amount to approx. 30 hours of reading, assignments and coaching.

Info & registration


Verð: Price - 45.000 RND.
Lengd: (Length) 66 Hours.

Innifalið í námskeiði

The following is included in the training:

  • A folder containing workbook and assignments
  • “Geggin mín” – a special notebook for goals, dreams and personal victories
  • Value-cards (developed/designed @Profectus) is a tool used when defining, realizing and working with Values (Inner Compass)
  • Emotions-cards (developed/designed @Profectus) to teach Emotional literacy, clarity and increase Emotional intelligence
  • Strength-cards (developed/designed @Profectus) to conduct “Strength-based Coaching” and increase level of e.g. motivation, self-acknowledgement and awareness
  • Book “The Whole Brain Leader”. Teaches how to become a Coaching Leader. (Author: Ingvar Jónsson “Head Coach @ Profectus” and Sjoerd de Waal.)
  • One Year access to the "Think-Tank" (Profectus Online Learning System)
  • Coffee, tea, snacks and full lunch every day


Ingvar Jónsson

  • Ingvar Jónsson is the CEO of Profectus, PCC-Performance Coach within the field of Leadership, Internationally published author, Edutainer and a Musician. He holds a degree in International Marketing and an MBA from Copenhagen Business School. He runs an International Coaching School based in Iceland and a field office Profectus Coaching House in London
  • Ingvar is a late bloomer with a restless inner drive and desire to inspire and develop others. After a diverse carrier as a chef, sailor, graphic designer, software developer, musician and stand-up comedian he started his studies at the age of 37. After graduating at the age of 42 he has published four books with the fifth on its way in February 2023
  • In 2015 he published the book "Whole Brain Leader" together with Sjoerd de Waal
  • In 2015 SAGE published the book "Whole Brain Leader" globally
  • In 2017 he wrote a workbook “Coaching – Bringing Out the Best” for his Coaching training which in certified by the ICF
  • In January 2018, his book, "Your Best Self in 21 Days—For Ordinary People Who Crave an Extraordinary Life", was published in Iceland and was #1 bestseller in its category that year
  • In January 2020, his book, the second edition of "Your Best Self in 21 Days—For Ordinary People Who Crave an Extraordinary Life", was republished in Iceland 
  • In January he published 2021, his latest book “Who Are You and what do you want?"
  • In 2023 two of his books will be Published in English “Discover Your Inner Viking – a 21-day coaching journey to living a courageous live” and “Who Are You and what do you want? - an inner journey towards higher self awareness?